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The implementation of the Rail Baltica project is financed by the national states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – and co-funding from the European Union up to 85% of the total eligible costs, in particular in the framework of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument.

Connecting Europe Facility

CEF for Transport is the funding instrument to realise European transport infrastructure policy. It aims at supporting investments in building new transport infrastructure in Europe or rehabilitating and upgrading the existing one.

Trans-European Networks for Transport (TEN-T) policy objectives foresee:

  • completion by 2030 of the Core Network, structured around nine multimodal Core Network Corridors.
  • completion by 2050 of the Comprehensive Network in order to facilitate accessibility to all European regions

CEF Transport focuses on cross-border projects and projects aiming at removing bottlenecks or bridging missing links in various sections of the Core Network and on the Comprehensive Network (link), as well as for horizontal priorities such as traffic management systems.

CEF Transport also supports innovation in the transport system in order to improve the use of infrastructure, reduce the environmental impact of transport, enhance energy efficiency and increase safety.

By participating in the CEF Transport Calls for proposals from 2015 to 2024, including the Military Mobility envelope, and signing a total of thirteen financing agreements, the Rail Baltica project in Latvia has secured €1.4 billion.

For more information: https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/programmes/connecting-europe-facility/transport-infrastructure_en