Council of the EU or the European Council together with the European Parliament fulfil legislative and budgetary functions, it also fulfils policymaking and coordination functions. The Council is chaired by the Presidency, one of the Member States holding the Presidency for 6-month period, and the General Secretariat of the Council.

In the second half of 2024 (1 July 2024 – 31 December 2024) Hungary holds Presidency of the EU. More on Presiding country and its programme can be found on the Hungarian Presidency website.

Twice a year the Council holds formal and informal meetings of Member States’ ministers. Taking into consideration the topics for discussion, the Council meets in ten different compositions. Issues within the competence of the Ministry of Transport are discussed in the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE) Council. To find out more please download 5 and 6 December (transport and telecomunications) 2024 TTE Council agenda:

The Council meeting preparations take place in working parties where expert-level discussions on issues to be discussed in the Council take place. The Ministry of Transport represents Latvia in these following Council working groups:

  1. Working Party on Land Transport
  2. Working Party on Shipping
  3. Working Party on Aviation
  4. Working Party on Transport – Intermodal Questions and Networks
  5. Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society
  6. Working Party on Postal Services
  7. Working Party on Technical Harmonization (Motor Vehicles)