automašīnas stūre

The Ministry of Transport and its subordinate institutions monitor the application of sanctions in connection with the Russia’s war in Ukraine, so far various types of restrictions are most often imposed on vehicles owned or held by sanctioned individuals.

SJSC “Road Traffic Safety Directorate” (CSDD) informs that it has imposed sanctions on 48 vehicles owned or held by sanctioned individuals. Seven companies have been affected by those sanctions. The Road Traffic Safety Directorate has imposed a prohibition mark on the registration of vehicles, as well as a mark of alienation on vehicles registered in the property of the individuals.

SJSC “Civil Aviation Agency” has made a note in the civil aircraft register for one helicopter that it is related to a sanctioned individual, thus limiting the possibility to remove the specific aircraft from the aircraft register.

So far, no properties or individuals subject to sanctions have been identified in the databases of state-owned “Latvian Maritime Administration” Ltd (Register of Seamen, Register of Vessels, and Register of Repair Companies).

In response to the Russia’s war in Ukraine, new sanctions are being introduced and the authorities will continue to apply them actively.

Communication Unit

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