To safeguard strict epidemiological control during the COVID-19 pandemic and continued commercial activities of the carriers simultaneously, one has specified which documents cargo and passenger…
The government has adopted stricter rules for all travellers by stipulating that negative COVID-19 test result performed according to the most internationally recognized accurate method, will be…
In an emergency, there are stricter safety requirements set to limit the introduction of the virus; hence, a negative COVID-19 test result will be required in Latvia, similarly like in other…
Today, January 7, the government adopted stricter regulations for all people entering the country to facilitate more epidemiologically safe movement and reduce the introduction of COVID-19 infection…
In coordination with other EU Member States aiming to protect the public from the spread of the new coronavirus type in Latvia, the Cabinet of Ministers decided today to suspend passenger traffic…
Construction of Rail Baltica Central Hub in Riga has begun as expected – in November 2020, while strictly following all restrictive measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. On 23 November 2020, the…